About Me

Fonda Fracchia

Wellness Consultant and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach  (NBHWC) and Wellcoaches Certified “Health and Well-being Coach” (CHWC).

She has over 25 years of experience in the industry of health, fitness, and wellness in both the public and private sectors. She is currently the Health and Wellness Career Specialist for the University of Memphis serving the College of Health Sciences, Loewenberg College of Nursing, and 23 other health professions majors. She has worked in higher education for over 20 years facilitating health and wellness development and connection opportunities for students, faculty, staff, and external constituents. In addition, she teaches part-time for health and wellness approved programs.

She served on the Memphis parochial schools wellness committee to develop and implement new wellness guidelines for the State of Tennessee. Other projects included facilitating programs and instruction for various local community wellness camps for the underserved, teaching in community colleges, and workplace wellness services for corporate wellness programs.

She holds certifications as a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Certified Wellcoaches Health and Well-being Coach (CHWC), Primary Group Exercise Instructor and Personal Trainer (AFAA) and Yoga Instructor (YOGA FIT). She holds multiple leadership certifications in Conflict Resolution (The Peace Makers Principles), Stress Management (Wholistic Stress Control Institute), 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 5 Choices (Covey Series), Life coaching (AFAA), Building Your Telehealth Program, and Bringing Telehealth to the Consumer (American Tele-Medicine Association) and Certified in CPR/AED American Heart Association.

Her greatest passion is supporting others and helping them to succeed and thrive while guiding individuals to make healthy lifestyle changes.

Our Mission

To provide a quality coaching experience by supporting and empowering others to become
the best versions of themselves using an authentic and inspiring conversational framework
for a positive growth mindset.

My Personal Mission Statement

Wellness by Fonda models a holistic lifestyle of health and well-being through intentional wellness conversations and interactions. I strive to heal others using my natural gifts of bravery, spirituality, authenticity, and honesty. I will live honestly with myself and others living out those values and guiding others authentically and by adhering to ethical standards and fundamental core values, morals, and integrity.